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Did you notice... ?

Posted: 19 Nov 2005, 12:50
by smartass
I love Blue guitars. :D

Tell me if I'm wrong but I've got the feeling that if you go from CD 1 to 11 you see some kind of inverse evolution of Chris career. First CDs are more similar to the last albums of Chris (that were going back to sources of blues) and the more you go the more they sound like his first albums.

Blue guitars sets a link back to the beginning of his career going from blues styles similar to his last albums and ending with styles more similar with what he has done at the beginning.

As he is going to end his solo career, I think he wanted to do something that would make all his works a whole job. Something that could live by itself but be also a part of his global work. And this global work is itself part of the global work of all blues artists.

La boucle est bouclée. It's like a cercle. A fractal. Some kind of a mirror effect as he was looking back to his career.

Hum. Am I too tired or do you therer could be something true in my morning thinking? :?